Questions About Mother to Child HIV Transmission.
Dr. Valendar Turner made a presentation to staff of the New York Assembly Health Committee explaining questions and concerns regarding supposed mother to child transmission of HIV.
A brief summary follows, but it is highly recommended to view the complete presentation at this link for the complete New York Assembly Presentation".
It can also be obtained at the Perth Group web site. See under "Diagnosing HIV in mothers and infants as a PowerPoint presentation.
Dr. Turner shows why testing of mothers and their infants is so seriously flawed as to be invalid.
- Any HIV test should be guaranteed specific to HIV by scientists, physicians, manufacturers.
- Prerequisite to any such test or guarantee is obtaining proteins unique to HIV.
- To obtain proteins unique to HIV, it is necessary to isolate HIV in purified form, so that there can be no confusion in the test with non-HIV or cellular proteins.
- Electron micrographs should be taken to show that the isolated, purified material contains a form typical of a retrovirus.
- Neither of the co-discoverers of HIV were able to obtain purified HIV, according to co-discoverer Montagnier. Nor did they produce an electron micrograph.
- No attempt was made to purify HIV according to decades old procedures for retroviruses until 1997, 14 years after the introduction of the HIV tests.
- The attempt by Bess et al, did not produce purified material, and the particles claimed to be retroviruses were too large by a factor of 2.
- Moreover, several of the main proteins originally claimed to make up HIV are found in normal, healthy tissue. There is also other evidence that all of the HIV proteins are cellular.
- Protein analysis from infected and uninfected samples show only quantitative differences in proteins, but qualitative differences are needed to create a valid test. From this result, one can conclude that the proteins in supposedly infected samples are from the body's cells (since they match proteins in the uninfected sample), not from a retrovirus.
- The presence of antibodies in patients could thus be due not to the body combating a virus, but simply normal "auto-antibodies" directed against proteins from remnants of body cells.
- Further, antibodies, which can react with a wide variety of agents and are not unique to HIV, can arise due to fungal and mycobacteria infection, which are present in 88% of AIDS patients.
- Extensive (90,000) U. S. tests of people at low risk for AIDS produced a strangely large percentage of positive tests (up to 21.7% in men, and up to 7.4% in women). Further, the high rates for women are at odds with the fact that AIDS is largely a male condition.
- The Western Blot test, supposedly the most specific of the HIV tests, has widely ranging criteria around the world, meaning that an African testing positive in Africa may be negative if tested in New York.
- It is a fact that most babies (85%) who have a positive HIV test at birth will test negative at around 21 months of age. During those 21 months, the number who seroconvert (become negative on the HIV test) gradually increases until all but 15% have become negative.
The CDC has proven that the mother's actual "HIV" antibodies disappear totally by the time the baby is six months old, and it was known before the AIDS era that any maternal antibodies disappear from the infant after nine months. Quoting Dr. Turner: "So children who are positive at nine months and then sometime afterwards become negative cannot be doing so because they have lost their mother's antibodies. They've already gone. And this applies to a sizeable proportion of the babies. Sixty per cent in fact."
Further quoting Dr. Turner: "Let me repeat the premise to this argument. Any baby reverting from HIV positive to negative after nine months of age cannot be doing so because it has lost its mother's antibodies. These have already disappeared. And if these babies aren't losing mother's antibodies after nine months they must be losing their own. This leads to one of two conclusions. Either these are HIV antibodies which the child makes and then loses. Meaning somehow babies are curing themselves of HIV infection and without any treatment including antiretroviral drugs. The other possibility is that the baby is not making HIV antibodies but whatever antibodies it is making are being picked up by this antibody test. Which means the test is responding to non-HIV antibodies. And if that can happen in 60% of the babies it can happen to all the babies. And since they're exactly the same tests used in adults, the same applies to their parents. That is, to everyone."
Either possible conclusion (the babies curing themselves or the HIV tests reacting to non-HIV antibodies) calls into question the entire HIV theory of AIDS.