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    Bess et al
    National Cancer Institute USA

    "We agree that you can come to the conclusion from gel electrophoresis patterns that there are only quantitative differences between HIV and [cellular] microvesicles"

    "We have been unsuccessful in separating microvesicles from HIV"

    Bess, J. W., R. J. Gorelick, et al. (1997). Email correspondence August 2000 re Microvesicles are a source of contaminating cellular proteins found in purified HIV-1 preparations. Virology 230: 134-144


Slide 12 of 24

Dr. Bess agreed that " can come to the conclusion from gel electrophoresis patterns that there are only quantitative differences between HIV and [cellular] microvesicles", that is, between cellular proteins and HIV proteins.

In conclusion, there is ample evidence that the proteins used in the HIV antibody tests are not proteins belonging to a unique retrovirus HIV but are in fact all cellular proteins.

Let’s now briefly look at the Western blot antibody test.